All "About Us" Pages
Learn how we got started, meet our pack and see the policies we have evolved to over the years of our experience as breeders.

I was an Air Force Brat.
My husband a Navy Brat.
His family had GSD's.
Mine bred Labradors!
Read our story to learn about whether we breed English or American Labradors.....

Meet the Labradors with whom we share our life!

Socialization is one of the most important things a Breeder provides a litter. It sets the stage for the rest of their lives. Read about how we socialize the litters at each stage of their growth.

We follow the vaccination protocol now being taught in all 27 Veterinary Schools in North America. Read about it here so you can prepare to bring home your Aisling Puppy.

Biosecurity is a issue for all breeders, but especially for those of us who don't house our Labradors in concrete kennel runs. Learn about our policy here.

We would love for you to have two (or more!) Aisling puppies share your life. But we ask that there be a minimum of four months difference in age. See why....

Our favorite videos of Life 'Round Aisling and of our "Watch Them Grow" Series on Facebook.

Like and Follow Us on Facebook and Instagram for the most up-to-the-minute photos!